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merry200603 发布的所有帖子

  1. 感觉论坛的鼠标指针挺好的,网上找了找,貌似都没这个好,可以求下论坛用的鼠标指针吗(scheme)?
  2. 平常大部分人都不会关注这类细节吧
  3. 英语写得不是很好哎,简单看了一下 第一张图片前: After being lazy for a long time, here come[backcolor=yellow]s[/backcolor] a simple tutorial for non-chinese speakers. [/align][align=left]1: The type of this site? [/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]This is really an easy question. Obviously, you can see that it is a resource-sharing site. To be more specificly, here we provide galgames, anime pictures, etc. Being here, You can share resources and download resources that other members shared. [/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]2: Is there an English / other language interface?[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Unfortunately, no. This is a Chinese site. You could try to use Google’s “translate webpage” function. For example, the search bar should be: [/align][align=left]1: The type of this site? [/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]This is really an easy question. Obviously, you can see that it is a resource-sharing site. To be more specificly, here we provide galgames, anime pictures, etc. Being here, You can share resources and download resources that other members shared. [/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]2: Is there an English / other language interface?[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Unfortunately, no. This is a Chinese site. You could try to use Google’s “translate webpage” function. For example, the search bar should be:
  4. 其实也就亚马逊或许不卖了而已,如果是这样,getchu等网站岂不是很开心
  5. 尤其是游戏被曝的几率太高了,补档也比较麻烦
  6. 如果有人求,自己刚好有就会发,但是限于教育网带宽,上传很耗时,请原谅会很少发布资源就是了(现在资源帝都很讨厌自己的资源被直接转发)
  7. 混迹很多PT,不忙的时候可以帮大家补补资源啥的
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